As an avid player of fantasy RPG games, I’ve always been fascinated by the dark and mysterious world of Drow. When I recently started playing a new game that allowed me to create my own Drow character, I knew that I had to choose The Perfect Drow Names to match their unique persona.
After much research and contemplation, I came up with three potential Drow names: Zephyra, Drizzt, and Liriel. Zephyra sounded like a name fit for a powerful and fierce warrior, while Drizzt was a name that evoked a sense of wisdom and experience.
Liriel was a name that sounded both enchanting and mysterious, perfect for a character with a complex personality.
Ultimately, I decided to go with Drizzt. Not only was it a nod to the famous Drow character from the novels of R.A. Salvatore, but it also perfectly encapsulated the character I had envisioned – wise, experienced, and fiercely independent.
As I embarked on my journey through the dark and dangerous world of the Drow, I felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. With the perfect name for my character, I knew that I was ready to face any challenge that the game could throw my way.
Do you know the relation between Drow names and elven names? Drow had been the elves’ subrace. The Ilythiiri or dark elves were their predecessors and were an offshoot of the green elves and the wild elves.
Female Drow Names And Meanings
The Drow is a race of evil elves, cursed after the Drow pursued a vile Goddess into the way of deceit with their appearance by the gods of “good” elves.
Despite their curse, some draws still adore the bad, even though they prefer a more neutral side of life.
Uhlsral Helviana | Jarafein Auvryth | Uhlshriir Hun’urden | Solyrd Baenurden |
Alakgloth Baenep | Zeknar Maeani | Gelvyr Hlaafin | Wodmyr Freana |
Elaugeth Eilsund | Gelantar Zauani | Bergzaer Auvryth | Yazhrae Noquzynge |
Chaszgloth Claddth | Welvyln Auvryval | Barrysn Godetlar | Phyxdriirn Rilynrae |
Zaknavin Lhaliirn | Llaulvan Ichonrae | Xazen Jusztonrae | Ilmdyn T’siir |
Jegnel Beltossz | Jhaldrin Mlezzagh | Chagred Galliirn | Chasinyon Zolael |
Qualyn Illaerth | Selddril Telith | Honemfein Hunzroryn | Lirdve Olyl |
Keston Kront’tear | Lirdlil Cormrane | Chasrann Chaulssyl | Alnel Ichyth |
Molvayas Glannath | Vhurdaer Mizzrym | Ryltar Zauviir | Kethan Dyrr |
Ildan Beltaulur | Tarlyn Faertala | Seldszar Blaerabban | Quendar Philiom |
Drow in alignment originally was an unpredictable evil. The Drow is generally neutral, starting with the third version of D&D. There were interactions with the non-evil Drow, but because of their standing, they are as distrusted as their brothers.
Tazimar Do’ate | Rhylerd Alear | Masinid Barriep | Belzar Maearn |
Sszlyn Noquth | Rhylaun Hun’urden | Duagkah Godeate | Keldiirn Everhate |
Durdyn Auvryneld | Alakyraen Eilsrahel | Valolg Hun’ani | Adinzyr Eilsarn |
Veszlaunim Kilghym | Zsztel Barrirret | Bruheth Aleanana | Amallyn Everhervs |
Sadrym Chaulssond | Tologo Dalarn | Welgath Colinn | Honemverin Argein |
Beruel Baenreith | Irennar T’ylan | Tathnan Vruae | Orgozen Chaulssyrr |
Imrin Argorel | Saryn Vragh | Nadorl Kront’tass | Hatch’lan Blundass |
Honemthel Glaurabar | Jegszar Tossz | Saszar Faertin | Filkyn Mizzruin |
Dhuunyl Coloara | Nilonim Hunzrin | Selakiir Mlezziir | Orgoloth Blaerabban |
Morennel Illykur | Iymril Hunzrin | Pharius Filifar | Elamshin Hyluan |
The term “drow” is a “trow” an alternate version of “troll” from the Orcadian and Shetland dialects of Scots. Many evil sprites are alluded to by Trow/Drow.
Hirdilm Moltentrack | Bojana MenWebb Fethakdold | Rollun Burningstrength | Chu Neim |
Payton VelasirRobert Runetoe | Waldemar | Ema | Emelina |
Mindy | Qel Justurni | Onn Fodrelor | Chichas Linskab |
Dinzosk Gemzanzi | Lorena | Hehmen Zone | Elisabet |
Sergej | Annekathrin Lara Radz | Jonatan | Nastjenka |
Skyla | Girergos Ragovoku | Ralvudd Heavyspear | Taphunoh Buhkanthahk |
Firar Dhohrul | Nuhpuma Sejunzuut | Nithazrath Hihkukdib | Thibaut |
Osmar | Swantje | Grir Chanosk | Mariette |
Odin Kusk | Wulf | Caio Lakdikt | Clotilde |
Leone | Luwanne | Shimzondok Hyergyalbage | Erick |
Drow Names And Meanings D&D
Everything of the Dungeons & Dragons Drow, except for the simple idea of dark elves, was invented by the Dungeons & Dragons co-creator Gary Gygax.
Incorporating the keyword “Saiyan Names,” similarly, the intricate lore and culture surrounding Saiyan names were meticulously crafted by the creators of Dragon Ball, adding depth and richness to the Saiyan race within the series.
Yet Snorri Sturluson writes in Prose Edda of the black elves the dark elves dwell beneath the ground and the Drow is darker than their pitch.
Tard Zaurahel | Erthantar Orlyervs | Quilton Hlarae | Dinaxle Aleneld |
Krontrin Deneld | Hatchrar Arabrret | Tluthirahc Aleanep | Adinnet Torduis |
Adinomph Everhsek | Barerin Barriep | Uhlseth Torar | Orgollzaer Kenduis |
Quiloyn Noquett | Zekas Everhana | Wodhrys Orlyrret | Nillaunim Torduis |
Welnill Duskristyn | Ilkoph Cobaerth | Krevin Olyl | Narisverin Rrostear |
Nalkyn A’Daroara | Tsabragh Cobuae | Krerin Tlin’oavae | Welgath Vrammabar |
Durlyss Ichorel | Tarzen Rhomdith | Minoreth Omryl | Torrelmar Naeir |
Narislaern Dhalmifar | Sagath Tlin’uae | Malagdrym Daevorgh | Divan Vrenna |
Sorn Filifar | Torrellan Diliriy | Vhurindrar Blaerabban | Jyslin Dinoryn |
Zeerith T’orgh | Molvayas Zauviir | Kophyn Rrostarr | Selakiir Hunzrin |
Male Drow Names And Meanings
The Drow are a class of dark elves in Dungeons and Dragons. They were cursed and obligated to pursue a course of corruption. Drow names like elven names are typically melodic.
Quevmyr Desptlar | Soldrin Frezynge | Istaufein Rilyniryn | Tebraen Rilynndar |
Quevin Zausek | Welvorvir Do’ate | Tluthnozz Arkenval | Durzen Baenana |
Elaugmyr Godetyl | Drizdar Orlyurden | Duagkah Myrae | Amalton Aleiryn |
Izznet Zauafin | Fildorl Godeate | Izztel Deani | Lymenozz Hlarret |
Ildrin Yril’Lysym | Rinve Filavar | Chalin Ichykur | Chanet Faertuin |
Tathghar Ilalaen | Jerann Gallond | K’yorak Omrifar | Istornel A’Daroryn |
Yaztrag Gallyr | Tazenril Elpruae | Durkiir Zolarn | Jalynnolu Tlin’orel |
Molszar Blundifar | Kyortar Helvagon | Selathel Jusztath | Trelven Ssaer |
Ristel Argith | Guldor Uloavae | Nilonim Omriwin | Dresmorlin Glaurach |
Quendar Glannath | Omareth Nirinath | Micarlin Yauntyrr | Elamshin Filifar |
This race lives in the shadows and adores Lolth, the Spider Queen. Drow names often always have individuality. They’re a little more challenging than the eleven titles, but you’ll see a similar tone.
Hakon | Gundar Strongweaver | Leala | Kamron |
Kamil | Nashu Nilrik | Jairo Muldimzilze | Mizemu Ninkruthihd |
Leverett | Stockman | Nabef Glodz | Rhiannon |
Toffel | He-Nam-Vi Roluelrod | Relleh Icewoods | Camyron |
Suzette | Darko Ostubro | Rohais | Cirne Min |
Suzanne Jeilsurvu Rumblefall | Jeimem Zustul | Hamzush Trulmevzi | Agim Winterthorn |
Minnie | Theodor | Ventu Denzonun | Antm Hobrige |
Hof Bekaz | Vilgena Humbletree | Ki Grarursk | Cai Sain |
Zisheh Shudir | Tirlandri Tyamenena | Vandl Zudricu | Wladisla Mossbinder |
Chauntel SuskArnhold Cidu | Dionte | Roth Midug | Minna MirthscribeDerrek Jonno |
Drow Elf Names
The non-human characters, who were in step with each other, are complicated to name your Drow elf names. The proper names impossible for any one person to find a non-human character from the special favor.
When naming your Drow elf characters, consider incorporating “Motivational Team Names” to reflect their unity, strength, and shared goals, infusing your storytelling with an extra layer of inspiration and camaraderie.
Drow elf names are, like many elven names, very melodic. But the drow names often contain sharper sounding elements, which typically help their names stand out from other elven names.
Spirdiirn Helvityl | Lymezen Hun’viir | Ranmyr Godeduis | Tarzt Deep |
Mournlaunim Hladuis | Zakntel Hlaett | Relonkah Zauar | Beldiirn Maeiryn |
Sornraen Rilynlyl | Ranor Baenviir | Orgollaghar Melurden | Duraufein Eilsarn |
Malagorvir Torrae | Kronrak Aleantyl | Valatar Arkenrae | Hurzdor Teken’zynge |
Drolas Lhalaeir | Selagar Elprar | Hadphyn Lueltifar | Orgovayas Nach |
Nanar Helvuan | Syrdrar Cobaryd | Xaloth Aborel | Tathszar Quavune |
Duagvir Ichylan | Krethel Glanniir | Gulvin Jhalion’lyr | Baston Mizzrarn |
Ranalok Duskraulur | Iymrius Hyl | Kalannor Argaen | Chadath Rrostiir |
Alton Rhomduil | Xundus Ssambra | Istolil Kront’tane | Sengo Dyrr |
Sabal Chaulssin | Zyn Dinoryn | Nalfein Keteeruae | Xundus Zauviir |
Drow Name Generator
Names that are fitting and compatible with non-human characters are challenging to locate. It applies particularly to a GM who can attempt, in a short period, to acquire a variety of such names but who also loses their distinctive taste without proper names.
Dinrar Auvryndar | Ryldton Claddurden | Mermyr Torsek | Urlyln Maeate |
Dipzaer Torsek | Krenirahc Teken’arn | Ilztdiirn Hun’ath | Sorndax Rilyntyl |
Nymdiin Hun’tyl | Belirahc Arkenani | Omardorl Myviir | Lltdrin Torrret |
Elaugton Baenett | Rhylaufein Hun’sek | Seldsdiirn Zautlar | Alakzar Oussani |
Honemgar Blaerorel | Iymston Chaulssarn | Hounragh T’senna | Ilrogh Yril’Lysym |
Elamdor Hunzrarn | Istorrini’th Ichinn | Elamkoph Yril’Lysesz | Jesorin Duskrath |
Brurann Mizzrath | Jaezros Ularr | Narlnar Seerar | Tarraen Filala |
Xanet A’Daragh | Durlaern Olyrr | Irendath Mizzriiryn | Micarshin Helvabban |
Zyn Dinoryn | Chaszmyr Ssambra | Houndaer Tlintarn | Xundus Hune |
Kophyn Dalael | Nym Tlintarn | Yazston A’Daragon | Kalannar Jusztiirn |
Particularly for Drow, name representation and reflection of the particular attitudes and ideologies of the race is essential.
This demanding role was assisted by a Drow name generator below. While this list cannot be a starting ground and easy guide for a race as old and distinct as the Drow, it can be used to build a broad.
Elaina | Ithrashe Phoenixdream | Paldan Pastevur | Wifna Dirgesun |
Idru Zudeka | Bierq Zonozu | Cei Sheiy | Elbert |
Isalda | Shiu Himrilbimza | Berkley | Ind Fondandis |
Sinclair | Garan Sorsk | Gisele | Eike |
Avent | Leoro-Neo Zuepvuzruhd | Brezol Mitsk | Tisih Boldred |
Jona Tanzeldorka | Joia | Vlimzek Revadu | Madraz Palbenza |
Jolien Jarb Bindane | Rom Crestbrace | Ziao Yeim | Loncv Malbergol |
Justinianus | Calel Kusk | Sarfeaban Rugabril | Wethe Moondreamer |
Joan | Bifriga Mourningwing | Wess | Kalyn |
Tom Ieng | Lisenka | Bhisur Beimmed | Berenike GrandorbJanosch Amberwood |
Male Drow Names
Male drow names in many ways can be identified. There are too many similar novels, including many of the men’s drug names such as clothes, health goods, toys, skin products, children’s products, small-baby products, and many games of the old and new names.
With every third sacrificed in Lolth, every house has up to two boys. A second son kills the oldest and thereby secures the highest rank a male Drow can attain is a relatively normal phenomenon.
Tosca BashoLarry Zammed | Tajamzad Hukigimza | Hyatt | Hizerho Hivildrehk |
Ohnel Bhili | Du-Na Burningbranch | Elyse | Bren Monstermourn |
Zomonal Nali | Bifra Voidshout | Marvollu Burningwater | Kifla Nosegust |
Lincoln Bidrinil | Trendar Whiteforge | Hirvifrin Gryaldalmerna | Hudson |
Varen Stetsk | Sherzoldood Vuvelbatvi | Blun Havenwater | Chilol Voz |
Macey | Drervisvec Dudokinye | Momufu Holtalreb | Oskar Gizulda |
If Chakreg | Lelu Minskaft | Josh | Tiy Xiaon |
Axelle | Javal Khedo | Nozufa Zucrulud | Xei Dam |
Kil Vornen | Lim Dirobu | Bofre Proudfang | Teth Sunkeep |
Selsorre Elffury | Innozentia | Rivegiy Lowglade | Gungam Peacebrand |
Female Drow Names
The female Drow names are the same as evil names and individual names like melodic names, but the same sound as the more challenging aspect that makes her names like names from the elves is present in each of the female Drow names.
Incorporating the keyword “Tiefling Name,” similarly, Tiefling names possess a dark and mysterious quality, often echoing the complexity and allure of their infernal heritage while retaining elements of individuality and uniqueness reminiscent of their humanoid counterparts.
The Drow races of the female elves, pursuing the Drow, cruised to various corruption trails with the emergence of the good deities and therefore maybe because of this corruption, among them the goddess of the vile.
Vuzaonar Eilsmtor | Barvyr Kilndar | Dinin Noqundar | Taratar Arabrae |
Durinyon Hlaghym | Gelvyr Claddarn | Rikzyr Arabviir | Bruhdyn Frearn |
Gelyrd Alear | Lymeaufein Eilslyl | Imtar Auvryath | Tathimar Myval |
Lymelaunim Arabduis | Erthdor Helvit’tar | Wodnet Arkeniryn | Szoratlab Aleanlyl |
Risril Cobym | Chareth Omraen | Malagverin Tlintael | Filvir Zauvinn |
Nalas Mizzresz | Velnor Ssonrae | Narisgar Abbar | Bhindrin Illach |
Nymzmyr Nirinath | Bemtel Hylyrr | Orgokoth Cormrambra | Gwydal A’Darym |
Caelghar Colane | Szorraen Cobuin | Numnim Rrostuin | Caeldyn Zaphrarran |
Relonor Jusztiirn | Torrellan Naerth | Bemril Telenna | Xundus Seerear |
Relonor Yauthlo | Imbros Filifar | Zaknafein Yril’Lysaen | Sorn Jusztiirn |
Drow Surnames
There is a lot of Drows surnames worshipping darkness, and while some are evil, nature’s side of creation has been selected.
Kukaniy | Derwion | Belirahc Arkenana | Tathyraen Orlyt’tar |
Iwaqzxona | Cecilia | Tathonim Kennett | Randiin Goderahel |
Gujaratiyan | Brandoka | Zszgos Helviep | Zakninid Melath |
Jioklppa | Jandher | Tebas Godeett | Niltel Zauervs |
Gansham | Imarwons | Gulthym Hunzrach | Istophrin Seerin |
Iuuja | Kulliano | Solaudan Nirach | Llaultrag Dalarr |
Darren | Juyutrda | Istolaern Ulis | Solaunin Zauveztice |
Abraraf | Ewwunau | Minothel Dhunnond | Talkos Colala |
Babhulia | Dudhjia | Bemril Filifar | Jyslin Argith |
Cyahak | Fundgisa | Guldor Hune | Coranzen Rhomduil |
Rudyard | Camile Bari Hilltalon | licia Zozal Bag | Borissa |
Christien | Ralma Rudz | Stio Mourningdust | Sylvie Vastroshe |
Garof Stoz | Vinka KhussomCaio Lakdikt | Sauville | Desmund |
Kunibert | Jei Kai | Red | Yosef |
Brandinzis Traldumzotvu | Fezer Jokheir | Nihrihrah Zessa | Sean |
Tiznedrun Gloryfang | Vidq Hubrodro | Valeraine | Rudver Mosswatcher |
Ludmilla | Hornih Div | Edhemza Grinzangami | Leopolda |
Pizuece Mevalo | Tess ErandanJanosch Amberwood | Fuw Nia | Janna |
Lujuk Duunthub | Ohreih Nuhro | Vantierves Cosurgo | Toni |
Dia Ku | Osmul Cahri | Deston | Algernon |
Drow Mage 5e
Privileged male Drow missing stamina and battling the opportunity to train as warriors have no other way than to pursue the study of magic.
It’s about survival for them. Female draws with a natural inclination to the arcane arts may even turn into magicians, even though these are much less usual.
Tard Zaurahel | Erthantar Orlyervs | Quilton Hlarae | Dinaxle Aleneld |
Krontrin Deneld | Hatchrar Arabrret | Tluthirahc Aleanep | Adinnet Torduis |
Adinomph Everhsek | Barerin Barriep | Uhlseth Torar | Orgollzaer Kenduis |
Quiloyn Noquett | Zekas Everhana | Wodhrys Orlyrret | Nillaunim Torduis |
Welnill Duskristyn | Ilkoph Cobaerth | Krevin Olyl | Narisverin Rrostear |
Nalkyn A’Daroara | Tsabragh Cobuae | Krerin Tlin’oavae | Welgath Vrammabar |
Durlyss Ichorel | Tarzen Rhomdith | Minoreth Omryl | Torrelmar Naeir |
Narislaern Dhalmifar | Sagath Tlin’uae | Malagdrym Daevorgh | Divan Vrenna |
Sorn Filifar | Torrellan Diliriy | Vhurindrar Blaerabban | Jyslin Dinoryn |
Zeerith T’orgh | Molvayas Zauviir | Kophyn Rrostarr | Selakiir Hunzrin |
Drow is fun, and I like to make them. They are a healthy combination of battle abilities and magic. The Drow is an excellent alternative if you are looking to play a more dangerous figure or maybe one who is attempting to avoid all of his race.
If you want to discover this story for yourself, Drow is a character that has a plot. If you want to influence this story, the better decision is to chat with your DM and see if it’s an entirely Old Testament, your homebrew, or another D&D universe.
In conclusion, delving into the realm of Drow names is akin to exploring the intricate web of their culture and history. From the melodic elegance of their language to the whispered echoes of their society’s complexities, Drow names carry layers of meaning and significance.
Whether invoking the shadows of the Underdark or celebrating the resilience of their people, each name reflects a story waiting to be told. Embrace the mystique and allure of Drow names as a window into a world shrouded in darkness yet brimming with untold tales of power, intrigue, and resilience.